The GrowthZone App!

Now you can download the app and access your account on your phone.
Get the App! Now you have the ability to access your OBAR GZ account on your phone! Download the MemberPlus iOS version from iTunes or the MemberPlus Android Version from Google Play and gain access to:
* Member Directories
* Billing
* Events
* News
* Blogs
* And more!
We are working on adding more information to this feature, but hope you enjoy accessing your account on your phone!
Update on Billing
We have learned that if you wish to autopay a recurring bill, you must enter your payment profile (assigned to YOU as an individual), and then go to the recurring bill(s) under “SCHEDULED BILLING“, click on the blue “Actions” button on the right side of the billing line item, and assign the payment profile. Once this is completed, the bill will be automatically paid when the invoice is assigned to your account. In addition, under “OPEN INVOICES” you may also use your card to pay any open invoices that are not recurring…..such as store purchases, events or CE.
We appreciate your patience as we continue up our learning curve!